Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hell and the Gagging of God

For those who think the current discussion (debate or debacle) about 'hell' is something of a recent note - here's a return to October 23, 2000 from Christianity Today (pages 30-37):

"Despite the sincerity of their motives, one wonders more than a little to what extent the growing poularity of various forms of annihilationism and conditional immortality are a reflection of the age of pluralism.  It is getting harder and harder to be faithful to the "hard lines" of Scripture.  And in this way, evangelicalism itself may contribute to the gagging of God by silencing the severity of his warnings and by minimizing the awfulness of the punishment that justly awaits those untouched by his redeeming grace." ~ D. A. Carson, (p. 37)

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